K-Squared Reads

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Review: American Fairytale

✨ Thank you Adriana Herrera for the gifted copy of American Fairytale! Out now! ✨

I’m trying to get better about writing reviews or mini reviews for all the books I read. So get ready because I read 16 books in May and need to review uh, a lot of them 😅 They might not all be posted here but the ones I really love will! And I LOVED American Fairytale 🥰

This was my second book from Adriana Herrera’s Dreamers series and it was every bit as heartwarming and wonderful as American Dreamer. I’ve adored every second I spent with these characters! If you’re looking for an extremely well written series with steam, emotions, and true to life characters I can’t recommend this series enough! 

In another life allll my reading time was filled with social work texts (I have my MSW), so I greatly appreciate any books with a social worker main character. And Adriana is one too, so she knows what she’s writing about 🙌 

I already adored Camilo from his appearances in American Dreamer and I was so happy to see his love story here! This story is a spin on the typical billionaire/fairytale trope and the coupling of social worker Camilo with philanthropist billionaire Thomas is EVERYTHING 🥰 And that first chapter when they meet?! *fans self* 🔥🥵 

Camilo and Thomas are truly magic together, I loved the combination of skeptical Camilo and the total cinnamon roll goodness of Thomas. They definitely have some conflict but I love the way it was handled. Thomas has a daughter from a previous relationship, but I loved the addition of her character and the interactions between her and Camilo. 

Minor content warning for discussions of domestic violence. Thomas provides the funding for Camilo’s agency to build housing for survivors of domestic violence, nothing is on the page but they do discuss how interpersonal violence directly affected both of their families. It’s a heavy moment, but very well handled. 

I really love how much race is discussed in Adriana’s books. Thomas is Dominican-American, but passes as white. The sheer shock from Camilo when he finds this out is a great scene, i really appreciated how Thomas addressed his appearance and how it affected his business. They have many conversations about their backgrounds and families, and it added so much to the story. 

I can’t stop gushing about how much i love these characters and this story. The community Adriana created is everything! I highly recommend reading the books in order to get the full delightful effect of this group of friends 🥰 American Fairytale was a five star 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 read for me! Love love loved 💜