Review: Wicked Intentions


Sorry (not sorry 😏) to all my ARCs, but all I want to do is binge read Elizabeth Hoyt’s Maiden Lane series! 🔥

I finished Wicked Intentions last week and I enjoyed it so much. And thank goodness too, per usual I ordered basically the whole series (I think I’m only missing the tenth book) before I even read one 🙈 I got all of these from AbeBooks. And yes, it’s technically Amazon 😬 BUT they were super cheap and much better quality than I’ve gotten from other online used bookstores. In a normal world, I would have hunted for these in person instead of online, but who knows when I’ll feel comfortable shopping in person again. 

But back to the (mini) review of Wicked Intentions. Since I’m new(ish) to historical romance, I never know what to expect when I try a new author. I was sooo into this book! Elizabeth Hoyt’s writing reminded me a bit of Kerrigan Byrne’s books, but not as intense. The topics were heavy at times (book one is literally about a gruesome murder), but so engaging and hard to put down. I loved it so much! AND it was steamy 🔥🔥🔥 

I highly recommend trying Wicked Intentions if you’re looking for a long HR series to dive into! I’m reading the second book right now and enjoying it a lot, but I’m also DYING to get to book three after reading about those characters 👀 

Also can we talk about these covers?! Another perk about ordering used, almost all had stepbacks! And this series might have some of my favorite stepbacks! 😍 💜 Kellisa


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