Review: If You Never Come Back


Thank you to Sarah Smith for sending me an ARC of If You Never Come Back! Out now! 

I read and loved Faker by Sarah Smith last year for being a really engaging contemporary romance with great Filipino representation. I was so excited when Sarah gave me the chance to read her first self-published novella early, and y’all. It was so good! And steamy 🔥🔥 I really enjoyed this one a lot!

If You Never Come Back is a instant love turned second chance love story. The story starts with Shay (another awesome Filipina heroine 🙌) running into Wes on Valentine’s Day a year after they met. But now she hates them. Flashback to their original meeting and whirlwind steamy romance. I really loved Shay’s character a lot! She’s an artist and I loved how her character evolved. Wes is very much a mysterious, and at times brooding, hero. Did I want to strangle him at times? YES! But I still found myself rooting for their relationship to work out. This story had me crying at one point which I can honestly say has never happened with a novella before 🤣

I have mixed feelings about stand-alone novellas, I always want more from the stories. And I would have absolutely LOVED if Shay and Wes’ story was a full length novel. But I loved how this one tied up and I still highly recommend reading it if you’re looking for an emotional and steamy novella! And get ready for Sarah’s next release, Simmer Down, on October 13th! 💜 Kellisa

Synopsis: I hate Valentine’s Day for one reason and one reason only: Wes Paulsen.

He came into my life like a wrecking ball one year ago today. After an incredible night together, we were inseparable for months. I’d never been happier in a relationship—neither had he. We were just starting to build a life together when everything changed...

Turns out Wes was hiding things from me—big things. I wanted to work through it, but he walked out, never giving me—never giving us a chance. I didn’t know how I’d be able to get over him, but I threw myself into my art. After months of working nonstop to escape the memories of Wes, my career’s finally taking off and what do you know—Wes walked back into my life. Once again on Valentine’s Day. 

One year to the day that we met. 

I’ve spent six months hardening my heart. It should be easy to reject him, to tell him I’ve moved on. But he’s doing everything—and more—to win me back. He’s being the boyfriend I’ve always wanted. It’ll take everything in me to resist him—I’m not even sure if I can. But I’ll sure as hell try.


Review: The Boyfriend Project


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