Review: Always Only You


Thank you Chloe Liese for the complimentary ARC of Always Only You! Releases August 4th and on Kindle Unlimited!

Rating: Five stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Steam rating: 🔥🔥🔥/5

If I just had to say one word for Always Only You it would be SWOON! Holy cow, this story was absolute perfection!

I'm a big advocate for #ownvoices romances, and THIS is a perfect example of why they're so important. This is Chloe's first published #ownvoices novel and it's clear she excelled at the task. I can't stop gushing about how good this story was. The way Frankie was portrayed and how others responded to her Autism was just perfect. As someone who has a few loved ones on the spectrum, this is how I want to see Autism written in romances. I especially loved that Frankie isn't the only character on the spectrum! It was such a good addition to have another character for her to interact with and discuss how she handles life. I also loved that Frankie has rheumatoid arthritis, I really thought her having a chronic invisible illness added so much to her character. Chloe consistently nails writing characters with chronic illness and it's one of my favorite things about her books.

Ren is giant delightful cinnamon roll and I loved him so much. His Shakespeare club loving self was a complete delight! I mean, who can say no to a hero that only curses with old phrases?? His character was totally swoon-worthy, especially how he had a crush on Frankie for so long. I loved seeing these characters go from friends to lovers! I thought having Frankie be the grump and Ren be the sunshine character was a fantastic gender twist. It made so much sense having Frankie be the grumpy and skeptical one, especially with how she had to learn to cope with her arthritis and autism diagnosis.

Chloe can write some steamy steam *fans self* I totally appreciated (and was surprised) that Ren was a virgin. I didn't see that coming as I was reading, but I loooove a virgin hero! I love how much Ren and Frankie communicated throughout the whole book, but it was especially great during the steamy scenes.

Always Only You was hands down a five star read and it immediately made my 2020 Favorites list. I just finished last night and I already want to do a re-read! I highly recommend preordering this one! Always Only You releases August 4th!


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