Review: First Kiss with a Cowboy


✨ Thank you Forever Romance for my gifted copy of First Kiss with a Cowboy! Out now! ✨

I’ve been blowing through my netgalley ARCs this week. It feels so good to finally make a dent in them! I finished First Kiss with a Cowboy by Sara Richardson last night and overall I enjoyed it and it’s a quick read (279 pages)!

I really enjoyed the small Colorado town setting, this was my first book by Richardson but she clearly is talented at writing Colorado romances! I’m a sucker for meddling family and friends so I really liked that aspect of the book and that it was based around their mutual friends wedding. Hello forced proximity! I liked their “we kissed once in high school” backstory, it gave the beginning a hate to love vibe that I appreciated.

This one is an open door steam rating. Yay steam! 🔥 I did have some confusion to what happens before the first steamy scene, Jane seems to think that Toby would be better off with his prom date and then BAM! They sleep together the next scene. I definitely would have liked the characters to discuss their feelings a little more first before sleeping together.

I liked that Jane’s character was a professor and romance author, but some of her behaviors felt very young. I almost felt like this would have read better as a new adult romance with the characters being early twenties, and a college student instead of a professor?

I think I would have liked this one more if it was a little longer and scenes were more detailed. I wanted more from both of their backstories, their histories were both very interesting but some parts went by too quickly. While it didn’t work for me as well as I hoped, I am definitely planning to read some of Richardson’s other books soon, I really did like her writing style and I mean, who can say no to some Colorado cowboys?? 💜 Kellisa

**Content warnings for the book include: past death of a sibling due to muscular dystrophy, parent death from kayaking accident. 


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