Review: Her Night with the Duke


✨ Thank you TLC Book Tours and Avon Books for the gifted copy of Her Night with the Duke! Out now! ✨

I’m on a bit of a roll with reading great recently released historical romances from new (to me) authors, and I am loving it! I honestly adored Her Night with the Duke. I don’t read a ton of “forbidden” romances and I really wasn’t sure how the forbidden aspect of this one would work for me, but it was so so good. 

If you’re looking for a unique historical romance with angst, a forbidden coupling, and diverse representation, Her Night with the Duke should be on your TBR!

Leela is a Dowager countess, previously married at 17 she now travels the world as she writes a well known travel guide (under a pseudonym). I adore Leela so much she’s honestly a badass, she loves adventure and has zero desire to re-marry. Hunt is a duke on his way to marry for convenience. Y’all know I love a good “there’s only one bed” forced proximity moment and the beginning of this book is right up my alley. Leela and Hunt meet at an inn on a stormy night and are forced to share a room. Their chemistry is immediate and sooo good! 

Leela is half Arab and struggles to find where she feels she belongs. I loved her decision to learn about that side of her ethnicity. This is the first historical romance with a heroine that is completely bare, and I loved how she explained her decision to sugar to Hunt. Also his reaction to discovering that was delightful 

Following their hookup in the inn, I could NOT put this book down. I knew the realization that Hunt was to be engaged to Leela’s step-daughter was coming and the tension leading up to that was so good!! I loved the pacing and angst in this book so much. I won’t give away too much, but there are so many fantastic moments in this story. And there’s grovel 👏 I mean, who doesn’t love a good groveling hero?? 😏

Her Night with the Duke was a five star 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 read for me and I can’t wait for the next book in the series (it’s about Leela’s brother!! 🙌) 💜 Kellisa 


Excerpt: A Golden Fury


Review: Just a Heartbeat Away