Review: The Rakehell of Roth

Thank you TLC Book Tours and Entangled Publishing for the gifted copy of The Rakehell of Roth by Amalie Howard! Available now


#BookReview “Living happily ever after is not a fairy tale. The point is to live”

I unintentionally took a week off from posting, but in that time I finished two historical romances that I loved! The Beast of Beswick has been on my TBR since it came out, and I quite honestly adored it. Give me all the historical romances with Beauty and The Beast vibes! But this review is about the second book, The Rakehell of Roth. I was fully unprepared for how much I would love this book!

Isobel is Astrid’s younger sister from The Beast of Beswick, I liked her character from that book but I LOVED her in this. The story starts three years prior after she marries WInter, the Marquess of Roth, it’s a marriage of convenience on both of their parts (my favorite!) Immediately after consummating the marriage Roth takes off, abandoning her at his country estate with his father. Three years later after reading a headline about her husband, Isobel has had enough, and goes off to get Winter back.

I wasn’t sure where the book was going at this point, they had been separated for three years! Was there going to be an other woman plot? (There is, but not in the way you’d think) In the years since Winter left, Isobel and her best friend have started a new venture, writing scandalous sexual advice columns together as Lady Darcy. Isobel is not longer the timid girl she once was, she’s confident and ready to seduce her husband.

I loved this so much, The Rakehell of Roth takes marriage of convenience and combines it with marriage in trouble. There’s LOADS of sexual tension and steam, a badass heroine who knows what she wants, a hilarious best friend, and an unputdownable plot. I loved and highly recommend The Rakehell of Roth! 

CW: loss of a sibling from overdose


Review: Scoundrel of My Heart


Excerpt: The Heiress Gets a Duke