K-Squared Reads

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Review: The Subway Girl

✨ Thank you Lisa Becker for the gifted copy of The Subway Girl! Available today and on KU! ✨

I was lucky enough to read a really early copy of The Subway Girl and I loved it SO MUCH! Like I’m talking sobbing into my iPad loved it 🥰 This story gave me such a book hangover. I read and loved Starfish from Lisa Becker and I went into this one with really high expectations and The Subway Girl exceeded all of them. 

Inspired by a real life missed connection story, The Subway Girl captured my attention from page one. I really didn't know where the story was going and I was so pleased with how the story progressed. There are so many quirky characters and at first I honestly didn't know who the love interest was going to be. Ryan was a great character and I so enjoyed his love story. Once it becomes clear who the heroine is, it's impossible NOT to root for them! I loved the chemistry and how their relationship progressed. 

Even though I read the beta for this over a year ago, I remember how much one scene gutted me. Lisa's has a way of writing love stories that pull me in and make me so happy, but also make me cry. Ugh I loved this one so much! 

The Subway Girl was a five star read for me! You know it's worth reading when I read it that long ago and I am still thinking about how good it was! 

Highly highly recommend! On KU! 💜 Kellisa