Reading Together: Boyfriend Book-swap


šŸ“šReading TogetheršŸ“š

So my boyfriend and I are both readers but itā€™s fair to say that we read for completely different things. 

He reads more for challenge. I read more for joy. 

Of course, we both find joy and challenges in the books we choose, but itā€™s clear that we make very different choices in our genres. And thatā€™s such a wonderful thing. 

So one day weā€™re both sitting on the couch and BF looks up and says ā€œChoose a book for me to read. And Iā€™ll choose one for you.ā€ 

I shot up from the couch to my bookcase so quickly! I knew exactly what I wanted him to read. I picked The Kiss Quotient because itā€™s one of my favorite contemporary romances EVER. I also figured heā€™d find it relatable, having been together with me all these years and my being autistic. 

For me, he chose Engines or Desire: Tales of Love & other Horrors šŸ˜± He wasnā€™t kidding about the challenge. The mix of love and horror in a Lovecraftian fashion...VERY new to me! Even though it was a collection of short stories, it took me some time to finish it. Even though I knew they were a mix of love, lust and horror...certain subject matters were VERY dark. I was totally triggered at the end of the first story, and needed a happy romance to soften the blow. But there were many others I quite enjoyed! The only complaint that I really have about Livia Llewellynā€™s writing is that I was often left confused with her descriptions. Many of her stories ended on vague, somber notes, and thatā€™s all fine, but I feel she was trying awfully hard to be profound and it sometimes just lost me. Certainly led to some great discussions with my boyfriend.

Meanwhile, BF devoured Kiss Quotient in two days! šŸ¤£šŸ’—

Now he is a bit of a tough critic. Rom Coms are definitely not his genre of choice. But of course he found things to love about the Kiss Quotient, particularly its heroine, Stella Lane. He agreed that she was a very well developed, likable and above all BELIEVABLE. As a character, he gives her five stars! Interestingly enough, we had some disagreements about KQā€™s hero, Michael Phan. BF didnā€™t like him nearly as much. But honestly it was for all the right reasons! Having reread The Kiss Quotient recently, I could totally see the character flaws that he was talking about, so I really couldnā€™t give him THAT hard of a time lol. However, Michael still remains one of my FAVORITE book boyfriends, flaws and all! šŸ˜‚ 

Overall this truly has been an eye opening experience. I had grown so accustomed to discussing books mostly with Kellisa, and while we might not agree on everything...we find much more things to agree with than not. šŸ„° Itā€™s definitely different hearing my BFā€™s book critiques. I am determined to find a romance for him to read that he would give a five star all around! šŸ™ŒšŸ» šŸ’— 

Anyone else swap books with their SO? What did/would you choose? I want to give him a historical romance next! 



Review: Bewitching


Review: Desperate Measures